How we do it at Black Box Power
Here at Black Box Power, we do things a little differently. We think it’s important that our customers know exactly what they’re paying for, which is why we provide transparent billing by itemising all our charges.
You’re probably aware that Energy Rates have an impact on how much you pay for power, but you might be surprised to learn that Energy Rates usually only make up a small portion of your bill. From Network Services charges to Electricity Authority Levies and everything in between, we put it all out in the open on your power bill so you can see exactly what your money is paying for.
Page 1 of your power bill: the essentials
The first page of your power bill is fairly straightforward. Here, we provide you with all the essential billing information you need, including the total amount due, your energy usage history and your account information. You’ll also find the contact details of our Customer Care Team should you need to get in touch with us.
Page 2 of your power bill: beyond Energy Rates
The second page of your power bill is where things start to get a little more interesting. Here, you’ll find a detailed breakdown of all the charges, so you can see exactly where your money is going. This includes:
Energy Rates
This is what we charge you for your electricity. Energy Rates can be separated into two different rates
Uncontrolled: The rate per unit you pay for electricity.
Controlled: There are certain appliances in your home such as your hot water cylinder, which your power company can switch off for short periods of time when there are emergencies or unusually high demand on the network. The controlled rate is how much you pay per unit for the supply of electricity to these controlled appliances.
These are all charges related to the delivery of your electricity and includes Network Services, Retailer Services, Metering, and the Electricity Authority Levy. All electricity retailers charge for these components, however, they don't always itemise it on their bills.
Network Service Charges
These costs go toward paying network companies, who are the ones responsible for maintaining power poles, power lines and transformers, and ensuring your electricity gets to your home. Network services charges include fixed daily charges and variable service charges, which are based on how much energy you used during the billing period. Fixed charges apply even if you don’t use any electricity.
Electricity Authority Levy
Your bill will also include an Electricity Authority Levy, which goes toward funding the Electricity Authority, an independent entity that is tasked with regulating New Zealand’s electricity market. The levy is usually based on how much power you used during the billing period.
As you may know, electricity meters are used to measure and record how much electricity your household uses. Metering charges cover the costs involved with reading and maintaining your electricity meter.
Retailer Services
These are the costs involved with running a retail electricity company, including providing customer support, maintaining billing systems and a range of other administrative tasks. These are variable costs; they are charged per day and on your energy usage.
If you have added Broadband to your account, your Broadband plan is charged one month in advance. On your first bill, you will see a pro-rata monthly charge for part of a month and a full monthly charge.
Low cost electricity meets transparent pricing
We believe that all electricity customers have the right to know what they’re paying for when they receive their power bill. By clearly itemising our charges, we’re able to show exactly where your money is going and provide our customers with a greater level of transparency. Please see this handy PDF for more information about reading your Black Box Power power bill.
If you'd like to see where this information is shown on your bill, please check out our example bill.